23 november 2006

The day after...

Today's the day after ... the day with the hang on, too bad it's not the hang over after a big party. It's the day of the elections for the Dutch parliament and although I can't vote here in this country I feel ashamed about the result of the elections.

Two things especially struk me:
  1. 9 of the 150 seats of the Dutch Paliament will go to a the ultra right wing party of Gert Wilders (Party for Freedom). His only three point in the elections were: With us you'll pay less taxes, better educational system and against immigration and agains "further islamisation" of the country.
  2. 2 seats will go to the Party for the Amimals of Marianne Thieme. Well, I love animals, but I definately hate one issue partys! Their endlessly repeated slogan in the campaign was: "Who's good for the animals is good for people". And that's not even their own thought. It seems that they took it from Mahatma Ghandi.
I mean how stupid can the Dutch be to give their vote more then 600.000 times (a lot in this small country) to those two parties that only exist by their simple one-liners. People get real, life isn't that easy!!!

The more I think about it, I am in favour of the introduction of a stupidity tax, as proposed bij Edina Monsoon in one of the episodes of the BBC sitcom "Absolutely Fabulous".


Blogger Pino said...

Sometimes I really hate blogger ;) My nice comment got lost :(

Ok, shortly... What I said was: there are other countries in Europe with some worse politics than Netherlands...

Italy, for example, where there is Berlusconi (not in the government, but he's alive and beloved anyway).

Everyone gets what they deserve...

Blogger Jörg said...

Thanks, that's a comment of a true friend, Pino! I find it very comforting...

Blogger Pino said...

Wow, talking about Berlusconi always works ;)
Yesterday I almost hoped he was going to die... Unfortunately he's in the hospital and tomorrow will be already out :(


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